Globally, the construction industry is poised to service a predominantly urban population that will reach 9 billion by 2050.
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Aimsio Team Writer
Digitizing the Right of Way: Pipeline Construction Software
Critical Need for New Pipelines Oil production in the Permian Basin has passed 4 million barrels a day, but because of pipeline constraints, it’s ...
Continue ReadingConstruction Technology Trends: Part 2
The construction industry has been in need of a significant shift-change in its standard operating procedures for some time. While other industries...
Continue ReadingConstruction Technology Trends: Part 1
Trend forecasts for the construction industry have been predominantly tech-focused for several years, and 2019 is no exception. Notable innovations...
Continue ReadingUsing Vendor Data as an Asset
Upstream oil and gas companies rely on data to shed light on what can’t be seen. Details about a formation, bit location, flow, composition —...
Continue ReadingYour 2019 Roadmap to Success: 6 Places to find direction
Looking back at 2018, many companies are comparing projects or jobs, trying to understand what defined the winners and the losers. Cost, profit and...
Continue ReadingCombating the Sunk Cost Fallacy: When to abandon old tech
Sunk costs. Like the Titanic, except without any loot. Costs that have either already been incurred or cannot be changed are sunk costs. Rent, fuel,...
Continue Reading3 Best Practices for Workflows: Capturing Operational Data
Every organization has workflows. A workflow is basically the sequence of events that takes place before work is completed. There are a million ways...
Continue ReadingHow to Overcome 3 Software Implementation Hurdles
There can be multiple hurdles between choosing a software and successfully implementing one. And the hurdles look different depending on where you’re...
Continue ReadingHow to Increase Profits by Reducing Days to Invoice
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